
Quickly launch new insurance products
Prima Solutions enables insurers and mutuals to easily design and distribute their insurance products, without the need for technical profiles.
Thanks to our software, you can get your new offers to market quickly, whatever the size of your portfolios or the specificity of your products.
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Webinar replay : Unlock the power of your insurance data with Prima Analytics
We have designed a tool specially adapted to your insurance needs: Prima Analytics is a portfolio analysis, exploration and rate simulation solution that enables you to better understand your data and optimize your decision-making.
The video also includes feedback from Sanlam Allianz, a long-standing Prima Analytics customer who has equipped more than 15 of its subsidiaries with the Prima Analytics solution, making it a central decision-making tool within the group.
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Life and Health insurance policy management
The social protection sector is rapidly changing with the emergence of new, highly innovative and agile players offering life and health insurance policies. The ability of insurtech to quickly roll out innovative products and respond to the up-to-the-minute needs of policyholders makes these innovators highly competitive compared to traditional life and health insurance organizations.
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Our cloud platforms

IARD Platform
Policy and

A modern, ultra-configurable platform designed by industry experts, Prima P&C manages all types of P&C insurance products for individuals, professionals and affinity clients.

With Prima P&C, you can reduce the time-to-market of your new offers, manage your P&C contracts and claims from end to end, and improve the user experience of your policyholders.

Life, Health
and Mortgage
Insurance Platform

Innovative, flexible and high-performance, the Prima L&H platform is dedicated to insurance companies, mutual insurers, provident institutions, brokers and delegated agents.

Prima L&H enhances agility, boosts operational efficiency and simplifies all Life and Health insurance business processes.

Solution for
portfolio analysis
and rate simulation

Intuitive and user-friendly, Prima Analytics is an insurance data analysis and actuarial solution for all types of technical and non-technical profiles.

The solution is designed to help insurance companies leverage their data to make informed decisions and increase profitability.

Customer references

Customer testimonials

Our solutions adapted to your business needs

To remain competitive in a market in upheaval, all insurance players need to accelerate their digital transformation and deploy innovative solutions that address complex issues such as the fight against fraud, the management of special schemes, the monitoring of portfolio profitability, the improvement of policyholder satisfaction, the de-simbrication of legacy, intra-annual termination, expatriate insurance and the reform of social protection for civil servants.

Feel free to browse our website and consult our various SOLUTIONS pages grouped into 3 categories: 

Accelerate your
Digital transformation

Prima Solutions enables all insurance professionals to accelerate their digital transformation. A specialist in this market for over 25 years, Prima Solutions is a key player in the insurance industry in France and Europe.

The group publishes software covering all business processes in Property and Casualty, Health (group and individual), Personal protection and Mortgage. Prima Solutions supports more than 40 customers and has a worldwide network of partners. Prima Solutions is part of the TSS Group.

More than


Present in



years' expertise

R&D investment

of annual turnover
0 %

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