Nieuwegein/Paris, 2023, Total Specific Solutions (“TSS”) has acquired Prima Solutions, a leading French InsurTech group that provides modern insurance solutions to primarily French clients. With this acquisition, TSS enters the French insurance vertical and further strengthens its foothold in France. Prima Solutions is the 16th company in the French-speaking market that joins Groupe TSS, our French TSS division.
Prima Solutions offers insurance companies a full range of software solutions to transform existing legacy systems and streamline core business processes, thereby speeding up their digital transformation. Prima Solutions’ highly configurable, modular, and cloud-based platforms support the lifecycle management and governance of Property & Casualty (P&C) and Life & Health (L&H) insurance. The platforms are easily integrated within the ecosystems of the clients and provide a self-care portal for interaction between insurers and end-customers.
Dorinda van Oosten, General Manager at TSS: “I am pleased to strengthen our TSS position in the insurance software market with Prima Solutions, our first company dedicated to this market in France. Prima Solutions is considered one of the leaders in the French insurance software domain. They target the main insurance providers and offer them modern cloud solutions. Prima Solutions’ focus on helping clients with mission-critical solutions for the management and governance of their core products is well aligned with the way how TSS views the importance of vertical market software. Also, Prima Solutions offers a complete range of products and services to help their clients easily integrate their solutions while staying close to the end-user. This customer-driven approach also fits seamlessly with our vision.
I look forward to introducing Prima Solutions President Hugues Delannoy and his team to TSS and CSI companies’ colleagues and to our extensive set of best practices with the aim of further accelerating their customer value and business growth.”
Hugues Delannoy, President of Prima Solutions: “In our industry, the regulations and requirements are constantly evolving and increasing, which is why insurance companies rely heavily on specialized software providers focused on this specific vertical market. We are a dedicated specialist in software for the insurance sector. Prima Solutions has been one of the market leaders in France for the past 20 years incorporating French and European regulations into our solutions. We look forward to being part of an international software group that believes in the value of specialized companies for vertical markets and in a unique buy-and-hold-forever strategy ensuring long-lasting stability for our customers and employees. New insights into running successful VMS (Vertical Market Software) companies and learning and evaluating the best practices of TSS/CSI companies operating in the insurance and other industries will be valuable. And we can share the knowledge and best practices we have accumulated over the years on InsurTech. We look forward to continuing our journey in a group of like-minded industry-specific software companies of TSS and, more specifically, as part of the French Groupe TSS.”
About Total Specific Solutions (TSS)
Total Specific Solutions is an international provider of IT business solutions and consists of independent business units that deliver products and services to their specific vertical market segments. This market expertise is based on decades of experience. TSS is active in healthcare, local and central government, financial and legal services, accountancy, agriculture, automotive, construction, education, geoscience, hospitality, libraries & archives, manufacturing, maritime, mobility, publishing, real estate and retail. TSS is part of Topicus.com Inc, a public company listed on the Canadian TSX Venture Exchange. Topicus.com Inc is part of the ecosystem of Constellation Software Inc (CSI), a global provider of vertical business solutions.
More information can be found on the website: www.totalspecificsolutions.com.
For more information:
Total Specific Solutions
Dorinda van Oosten
General Manager
Email: d.vanoosten@tss-vms.com
Tel: + 31 (0)6 3929 2545
Total Specific Solutions
Othman Ghannam
Portfolio Manager/Investment Director
Email: o.ghannam@tss-vms.com
Tel: +33 (0)6 4789 6720
If you are an owner of a Vertical Market Software company in France and you would like to know more about joining TSS, please contact:
Othman Ghannam
Portfolio Manager/Investment Director
Telephone: +33 6 4789 6720
Email: o.ghannam@tss-vms.com