Discover how you can optimize your portfolios and improve your activities governance!
Are you looking for a true decision making solution dedicated to the insurance market? Watch the replay of our webinar hosted by Aram Kasparian and Hervé Hans-Moevi on Thursday, November the 5th.
The webinar includes a demo of Prima Analytics software with a motor portfolio exploration. The presentation explains how insurance companies can:
- cleanse their data, manage variables and segmentations;
- explore data with drill down features, conditional formatting and standard calculations within the insurance market;
- create any graphical representation to explore claims while selecting views, variables, exclusions, etc.;
- analyze trends, claims, KPIs, seasonal variations, etc.;
- simulate prices changes and identify problematic segments thanks to as-if methods, elasticity, variables definition, etc.
👇 Fill the form below to watch the replay and also to know more about our practical cases studies 👇